átló collection
armchair and sideboard, 2023

design Norbert Juhász / studio komok
photography Kata Balogh, Tamás Kovács (cover), Norbert Juhász
production Barlang Műhely
cushion Vandor Studio
publications leibal

Átló collection reinterprets the diagonal, not just as a structural element, but as a symbol of connectivity and efficiency. Diagonals, often seen in practical applications like wooden barn doors and bridges, are celebrated in this collection for their ability to link distant points in the most direct manner. The Átló collection leverages the diagonal to create a visual and metaphorical bridge. In geometry, a diagonal is the shortest path between two points, a concept that Komok Studio extends to symbolize the connection between disparate ideas and disciplines.

This connection can be seen in everyday exchanges of communication and knowledge, such as conversations or reading. Hungary, the birthplace of this collection, serves as a metaphorical diagonal, positioned geographically and culturally between East and West. The Átló collection uses minimal materials and basic technology, resulting in a simple yet impactful visual language. This simplicity allows the collection to transform depending on the viewer’s perspective, highlighting the versatility of the diagonal.

The collection was implemented through the designLAB program curated by Rossana Orlandi, organized by the Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency. 

For inquires, please visit komok.